Tuesday, June 10, 2008

1...2...3...4...5...6... ...8...9...10

Its been a busy couple of weeks for me. My new job is taking up a LOT of my time, what with trying to take a crash course in .NET while still being productive. But thats a topic for my other blog!

I was away last week in Copenhagen with work at CodeGarden 08, and while I was there Matthew picked up a couple of new tricks!

First, he has started counting to ten. Almost; he can't say seven - but it was amazing to realise that he has picked this up as we have not been consciously teaching him.

He also grasped "up" and "down". Not only does he say it, but he definitely understands as he will take my hand and raise it "up" and "down". Fantastic!

Matt's speech therapist is coming on Thursday so I am sure she will be pleased.

Well I am off to Wolverhampton tomorrow am going to relax for a bit and get an early night.

Until next time!
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