Thursday, October 13, 2005

Emilys 2nd Birthday at Colchester Zoo

It was Emily's 2nd birthday on the 25th August 2005.
We took her to Colchester Zoo with her nan, and with her friend Beckie. Beckie's mum, Stella, came along too...

We took some photo's while we were there.

See some photo's of the trip.

Emily and Katy

Just the other day our daughter Emily saw an advert for Oil of Ulay on TV. She thinks the lady in the ad looks like our friend Katy, and keeps pointing at the lady saying "It's Katy... It's Katy..."

You can judge for yourself below:


I love using Linux/KDE/Mepis - and here is Konqui, the dragon who is the mascot of the KDE Desktop.

Linux, and MEPIS Linux, is surprisingly easy to use. It has great software available - for free - including chat clients, word processors, spread sheets - and is fully compatible with Microsoft Office.

There is a great community and the Mepis Lovers website provides a great source of help and ideas.

Plus, who could forget Firefox - a fantastic web browser.